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Weddings & Vow 

Congratulations on choosing to have a Celebrant led wedding or vow renewal! 

You are obviously a couple who wants to take control of your ceremony and make it unique.

Jayne Price with Bride and Groom_edited.

Your ceremony...
       Your way 

There are no rules with a Celebrant led ceremony!


You can chose where, when and how to celebrate your marriage.  It really is up to you!


I love creating bespoke ceremonies and would love to work with you so that yours is both perfect and memorable.  I write every wedding ceremony script completely from scratch and will tell your story in a way that is totally personal to you!



The Legal Bit...

It is important to remember that a Celebrant led wedding ceremony is not legally binding at the moment in England and Wales.

This means that the legal formalities will need to be conducted by a Registrar at your local Register Office but this can be a quick and simple 'no frills' process!  You only need to attend with two witnesses, say the contracting words and sign the marriage register.  You do not have to exchange your personal vows or rings at this service and indeed most couples prefer to save this for their Celebrant ceremony!

Whether you know exactly what you want in your ceremony or not, let's talk and make your dreams a reality!

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